SD Labs Disinfection Coating
SD Labs is a corporation in USA. Its’ mission is to create a healthier environment where people live, work and play all day, every day. It helps mitigate risk and improve daily working and living conditions through a family of technically advanced and environmentally friendly products, tools and services.
Its’ core product line includes antimicrobial coating solutions that DISINFECT, and continuously PROTECT people from being infected because of contacting surfaces contaminated with microorganisms in an environmentally responsible and proactive manner. Below are the advantages of SD Labs’ effective antimicrobial & disinfection coating products:
- Proven 99.9999% effectively against viruses and kills bacteria, fungi and mold 24/7 for 180 days;
- Molecularly bonds to treated surfaces and will not be removed by regular cleaning and impacted by traditional cleaning chemicals;
- Eco-friendly material, non-flammable, non-toxic and non-corrosive, safe for human and pets;
- R&D and manufactured in USA, registered and approved as a long lasting disinfectant in several countries;
- Recommended by the US CDC and US EPA to be effective against Covid-19.
SD Labs has three products, proven long lasting disinfection coating – sdst & sdpro and one-off disinfecting – sdx. Please find the below for the details of the products:

sdpro is a high performance self-disinfecting coating that contains unique anti-microbial active that inactivates viruses and kills bacteria, fungi and mould 24/7 for 180 days.
- Molecularly bonds to treated surfaces and will not be removed by regular cleaning and impacted by traditional cleaning chemicals.
- Treated surfaces stays self-disinfecting for 180days with just 1 electrostatic spray application.

sdst is a high performance self-disinfecting coating that contains unique anti-microbial active that inactivates viruses and kills bacteria, fungi and mold 24/7 for 90 days.
- Molecularly bonds to treated surfaces and will not be removed by regular cleaning and impacted by traditional cleaning chemicals.
- Treated surfaces stays self-disinfecting for 90 days with just 1 electrostatic spray application.

sdx is the disinfectant that eliminates COVID-19 under 1 minute. Effective and efficient for large scale cleaning and personal use. Powered by the patented formulation, Tydracide™, sdx contains powerful antimicrobial properties that are non-toxic and non-abrasive. It is also 99.9999% effective against antibiotic resistant bacteria.
- One-off disinfection with eliminating COVID-19 under 1 minute.
SD PRO 52周高耐磨性測試報告
Hong Kong Case
在巴西馬拉卡納世界級足球場為 2021 年美洲杯賽事提供SD ST 90天長效殺菌消毒塗層服務: